Other results: UK Festival of Backgammon 2022

UK Clubs Championship 2022: Consolation


List of Matches

Match IDLengthFirst teamSecond team
CD15 Bridlington 14 West Yorkshire
Match IDLengthFirst teamSecond team
CC15 Bridlington 41 Bristol Buccaneers
CC25 West Yorkshire 31 Worcester Royals
Match IDLengthFirst teamSecond team
CB15 Bridlington 32 Dancing on the C. Ealing
CB25 Bristol Buccaneers 41 Manchester
CB35 Banana P. Ealing 23 West Yorkshire
CB45 Worcester Royals 50 Worcester Warriors
Round 1
Match IDLengthFirst teamSecond team
CA15 Bridlington 50 BYE
CA25 Dancing on the C. Ealing 50 BYE
CA35 Jackgammon 14 Bristol Buccaneers
CA45 Worcester Wolves 05 Manchester
CA55 Banana P. Ealing 41 Chester
CA65 Coventry 23 West Yorkshire
CA75 Worcester Royals 50 BYE
CA85 Worcester Warriors 50 BYE